Colloquy Communities

Online Learning Communities for Mental Health & Personal Growth


Click to connect with a Colloquy leader for more info

Other words for Colloquy

noun | KAH-luh-kwee

Talk, Dialogue, Conversation, Converse, Discussion

Our Why?

Well-being Strengthens Communities Among Local & Expat Communities

Our How?

Psychological Education for Well-Being & Leadership

Our What?

Professionally-facilitated, 45-minute, weekly, online sessions

What is Colloquy Communities?

Communities help individuals grow, and individuals help communities grow.

Colloquy Communities provides professional and consistent online psychological education for the local and expat community to cultivate relationships while developing well-being and leadership skills.

Meeting online or in-person as little as once a month can help cultivate and sustain friendships through the connection of the expat community and the local community in our increasingly international world.

More about Colloquy Communities

Colloquy creates a welcoming ethos for local and expat communities.

Colloquy’s team of experienced facilitators present high-quality content on topics for personal and professional development. Interactive and respectful conversations follow. Meetings occur weekly and participants choose the meetings that interest them most. All Colloquy meetings last around 45 minutes.

See our calendar, our upcoming opportunities, or schedule a conversation with one of our leaders.

Colloquy facilitators also offer individual psychological education and services for those seeking mental health counseling, psychotherapy, leadership or life coaching.

Connect with Colloquy

Please fill out the form below and someone will be in touch with you.


About Us

Colloquy creates a welcoming ethos for local and the expat communities.


Personal & professional development for lifelong learners (single sessions).


Specialized topics  for well-being (series of sessions).